C# Save from list -

hello have 1 class called animal.cs , in program.cs have created animals..

class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             var animallist = new animsllist();         animallist.add(new animal{ active = true, name = "bob", photo = "espanha" });         animallist.add(new animal { active = false, name = "robby", photo = "portugal" });         animallist.add(new animal { active = true, name = "snoop", photo = "uk" });         }      } 

and have 1 class animallist.cs , in class added animal list, , im getting active animals code:

class animallist : list<animal> {     public list<animal> getactiveanimals()     {         return this.findall(p => p.active);     } } 

and problem in class called event.cs in event.cs want results getactiveanimals() because want active animals event can me please?

class event     {         private animallist _contestants;     } 

i should active animalist in 1 above. active ones should go _contestants

extend event constructor example

class event {     private animallist _contestants;     public event(animallist contestants)     {           _contestants = contestants;     } } 

and forward list when create event:

static void main(string[] args) {     var animallist = new animsllist();     animallist.add(new animal{ active = true, name = "bob", photo = "espanha" });     animallist.add(new animal { active = false, name = "robby", photo = "portugal" });     animallist.add(new animal { active = true, name = "snoop", photo = "uk" });     var event = new event(animallist.getactiveanimals(); } 


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