ssl - how to download/uplaod file over HTTPS using Indy 10 and OpenSSL in delphi? -

i wish download file using indy. problem connecting ssl. please me using https or sftp.

procedure tform1.bitbtn1click(sender: tobject); begin   idftp1.iohandler := tidssliohandlersocketopenssl.create(idftp1);   idftp1.usetls:=utuserequiretls;   idftp1.dataportprotection:=ftpdpsprivate; := '';   idftp1.username := 'ftp';   idftp1.password := '123';   idftp1.port:=21;   idssliohandlersocketopenssl1.startssl;   try     idftp1.connect;     idftp1.disconnect;;   end; end; 

you correctly (except fact free component don't create in same code). same https.

idhttp1.iohandler := tidssliohandlersocketopenssl.create(); idhttp1.get('https://...'); 

just note need openssl libraries or version want

also there difference between sftp , ftps. indy's idftp supports ssl (ftps). can't work sftp (ftp using ssh). if want use sftp, have use alternative commercial component

you should specify error if shows one. ssl libraries missing. if don't know how download/upload file, there methods that

idftp1.put (upload) idftp1.get (download)  idhttp1.put/post (upload) idhttp1.get (download) 

you need tidmultipartformdatastream unit "idmultipartformdata" http post upload files
