Qlikview Export Screenshot To Email -

i'm trying write script button in app named export. main idea button take screenshot of current active sheet, , attach email in outlook. here it's supposed do:

  1. open outlook (done)
  2. attach image in email (done)

however, script works on local machine. not work once deploy onto qlikview server. suspect is because save local c drive. how work once deploy on server?

here's code:

sub sendmail()       set appoutlook = createobject("outlook.application")         'create new message         set message = appoutlook.createitem(olmailitem)          message             .subject = "testing daily report"              .htmlbody = "<span lang=en>" _                 & "<p class=style2><span lang=en><font face=calibri size=3>" _                 & "hello,<br ><br >the weekly dashboard available. " _                 & "<br>the main overview attached below:<br>"              'first create image jpg file             activedocument.activesheet.exportbitmaptofile "c:\snapshot.png"                'we attached embedded image position @ 0 (makes attachment hidden)             tempfilepath = "c:\"             .attachments.add tempfilepath & "snapshot.png", olbyvalue, 0              'then add html <img src=''> link image             'note can customize width , height - not mandatory              .htmlbody = .htmlbody & "<br>" & "<img src='cid:snapshot.png'" & "width='1200' height='600'><br>"              .to = " "               .display          end end sub 


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