makefile - How should I link libraries in automake normally linked with pkg-config? -

i'm trying project buildable automake. while using allegro5.

i can build code using following command fine

g++ -std=c++0x *.cpp -o mygame $(pkg-config --libs allegro-5.0 \ allegro_acodec-5.0 allegro_audio-5.0 allegro_color-5.0 allegro_dialog-5.0 \ allegro_font-5.0 allegro_image-5.0 allegro_main-5.0 allegro_memfile-5.0 \ allegro_physfs-5.0 allegro_primitives-5.0 allegro_ttf-5.0) 

but makefile not work.

here src/

bin_programs = mygame  am_cxxflags = "-std=c++0x"  mygame_sources = animation.cpp body.cpp gameobject.cpp menu.cpp vector3.cpp \     arena.cpp button.cpp keyboard.cpp mesh.cpp assets.cpp character.cpp \     main.cpp mouse.cpp barrier.cpp environment.cpp manager.cpp titlemenu.cpp  mygame_ldadd = allegro-5.0 allegro_acodec-5.0 allegro_audio-5.0 \     allegro_color-5.0 allegro_dialog-5.0 allegro_font-5.0 allegro_image-5.0 \     allegro_main-5.0 allegro_memfile-5.0 allegro_physfs-5.0 \     allegro_primitives-5.0 allegro_ttf-5.0  cleanfiles = mygame *.o 

and here

ac_init(bayou, 0.1.0) am_init_automake  ac_lang_cplusplus ac_prog_cxx lt_init  ac_output(     makefile \     src/makefile\ ) 

running first command works fine. running make gives me

make: *** no rule make target `allegro-5.0', needed 'mygame'.  stop. 

so how should set ,'s can use libraries link pkg-config?

pkg-config there tell dynamically paths/flags use. meant used dynamically, rather run on development machine , copy'n'paste makefile , expect run on deployment machine.

here's updated, based on own answer:

bin_programs = mygame am_cxxflags = "-std=c++0x"  pkglibs=allegro-5.0 \     allegro_acodec-5.0 allegro_audio-5.0 allegro_color-5.0 allegro_dialog-5.0 \     allegro_font-5.0 allegro_image-5.0 allegro_main-5.0 allegro_memfile-5.0 \     allegro_physfs-5.0 allegro_primitives-5.0 allegro_ttf-5.0 mygame_cxxflags = $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(pkglibs)) $(am_cxxflags) mygame_ldadd = $(shell pkg-config --libs $(pkglibs))   mygame_sources = animation.cpp body.cpp gameobject.cpp menu.cpp vector3.cpp \     arena.cpp button.cpp keyboard.cpp mesh.cpp assets.cpp character.cpp \     main.cpp mouse.cpp barrier.cpp environment.cpp manager.cpp titlemenu.cpp 

it might in setup, entire allegro-foo doesn't need special compiler-flags, might need some. therefore example sets compiler-flags program (mygame_cxxflags). finally, get's rid of unneeded cleanfiles.

also, go autotools route, , use pkg_check_modules macro in


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