External IP column is empty in the kubectl get services result set -

i have created service following config file:

{    "kind":"service",    "apiversion":"v1",    "metadata":{       "name":"my-service",       "labels":{          "app":"my-service"       }    },    "spec":{       "ports": [          {            "port":8080,            "targetport":"http-server"          }       ],       "selector":{          "app":"my-service"       },       "type": "loadbalancer"    } } 

executed following command:

$ kubectl create -f my-service.json              service "my-service" created 

then want see external address of service:

$ kubectl services name             cluster-ip     external-ip   port(s)    age my-service                 8080/tcp   3m kubernetes       <none>        443/tcp    32m 

in examples of kubernetes apps says there should "external ip" column, set:

$ kubectl services name              cluster_ip       external_ip       port(s)       selector               age guestbook      3000/tcp      app=guestbook          1h redis-master       <none>            6379/tcp      app=redis,role=master  1h redis-slave       <none>            6379/tcp      app-redis,role=slave   1h ... 

kubectl events shows no information load balancer , service.

what might problem?

i using aws if helps.

btw. if @ aws console can see dns name of load balancer , connect it.

if output doesn't example output, using older version of kubectl (the human friendly output changes on time become more human friendly). check version of kubectl , grab newer 1 if isn't date (1.2.0 or newer).

$ kubectl version client version: version.info{major:"1", minor:"2", gitversion:"v1.2.0", gitcommit:"5cb86ee022267586db386f62781338b0483733b3", gittreestate:"clean"} server version: version.info{major:"1", minor:"2", gitversion:"v1.2.2", gitcommit:"528f879e7d3790ea4287687ef0ab3f2a01cc2718", gittreestate:"clean"} 


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