How to encrypt a stringbuilder message using AES algorithm in java -

i have stringbuilder message appended "||" symbol.(ex: hi||how||are||26 04 2016||finish) have encrypt message , send server using aes , decrypt same @ server side. can me out in solving this?

you can encrypt , decrypt this:

public class aes {     public static byte[] encrypt(string key, string initvector, string value) {         try {             ivparameterspec vector = new ivparameterspec(initvector.getbytes("utf-8"));             secretkeyspec secretkey = new secretkeyspec(key.getbytes("utf-8"), "aes");              cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance("aes/cbc/pkcs5padding");             cipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode, secretkey, vector);              byte[] encrypted = cipher.dofinal(value.getbytes());             system.out.println("encrypted string: "+  base64.encodebase64(encrypted));              return base64.encodebase64(encrypted);         } catch (exception ex) {             ex.printstacktrace();         }          return null;     }      public static string decrypt(string key, string initvector, byte[] encrypted) {         try {             ivparameterspec vector = new ivparameterspec(initvector.getbytes("utf-8"));             secretkeyspec secretkey = new secretkeyspec(key.getbytes("utf-8"), "aes");              cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance("aes/cbc/pkcs5padding");             cipher.init(cipher.decrypt_mode, secretkey, vector);              byte[] original = cipher.dofinal(base64.decodebase64(encrypted));              return new string(original);         } catch (exception ex) {             ex.printstacktrace();         }          return null;     }      public static void main(string[] args) {         string key = "foo12345bar67890"; // 128 bit key         string initvector = "randominitvector"; // 16 bytes iv         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder("hi||how||are||26 04 2016||finish"); //your text here         byte[] encryptedbytes = encrypt(key, initvector, sb.tostring());         system.out.println(decrypt(key, initvector,encryptedbytes));     } } 


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