How to setup login method to avoid duplicate code every test [selenium][java] -

i want use login method inted of repeat same code every test. check similar topic here , couldn't find solution or dont this.

test autogenerated selenium ide have more question method there. mark things confuse me. test , method made:

import java.util.regex.pattern; import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; import org.testng.annotations.*; import static org.testng.assert.*; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.firefoxdriver; import;  public class sortowanie{  private webdriver driver; private string baseurl; private boolean acceptnextalert = true; private stringbuffer verificationerrors = new stringbuffer(); string[] params;  @beforeclass(alwaysrun = true) public void setup() throws exception {   driver = new firefoxdriver();   baseurl = "";   driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(30, timeunit.seconds); }   @test   public void testsortowanie() throws exception {   driver.get(baseurl + "/");   login();   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[2]")).clear();   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[2]")).sendkeys("1");   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[3]")).clear();   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[3]")).sendkeys("09");   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[3]")).clear();   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[3]")).sendkeys("");   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[4]")).clear();   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[4]")).sendkeys("21");   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[4]")).clear();   driver.findelement(by.xpath("(//input[@type='search'])[4]")).sendkeys(""); }  @afterclass(alwaysrun = true) public void teardown() throws exception {   driver.quit();   string verificationerrorstring = verificationerrors.tostring();   if (!"".equals(verificationerrorstring)) {   fail(verificationerrorstring); } } //i want use params defined in run configuration public void login(){     driver.findelement("p")).clear();     driver.findelement("p")).sendkeys(params[1]);     driver.findelement("u")).clear();     driver.findelement("u")).sendkeys(params[0]);     driver.findelement("submit_button")).click(); }  //where , when need  use method ?? private boolean iselementpresent(by by) {   try {     driver.findelement(by);     return true;   } catch (nosuchelementexception e) {     return false;   } } //where , when need  use method ?? private boolean isalertpresent() {   try {     driver.switchto().alert();     return true;   } catch (noalertpresentexception e) {     return false;   } } //where , when need  use method ?? private string closealertandgetitstext() {   try {     alert alert = driver.switchto().alert();     string alerttext = alert.gettext();     if (acceptnextalert) {       alert.accept();     } else {       alert.dismiss();     }     return alerttext;   } {     acceptnextalert = true;   } } } 

so sake of peace repeat questions: how can make login method params value , need implement it? how work method mark in comment on code above.

any usefull article, tutorials, similar code analysis.

thank advice

you can use page factory this:

login class

package locators;  import; import org.openqa.selenium.webdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.webelement; import; import; import;  public class login {      @findby (id="p")     public webelement password;      @findby (id="u")     public webelement user;      public void login(webdriver driver, string login,string pass) {         webdriverwait wait = new webdriverwait(driver, 30);         wait.until(expectedconditions.elementtobeclickable("p")));         password.clear();         password.sendkeys(pass);         user.clear();         user.sendkeys(login);         driver.findelement("submit_button")).click();         }} 

your test

import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; import org.testng.annotations.*; import static org.testng.assert.*; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import; import;  import locators.login; // if test class , login class in same package there no need import  public class sortowanie{  private webdriver driver; private string baseurl; private stringbuffer verificationerrors = new stringbuffer();  @beforeclass(alwaysrun = true) public void setup() throws exception {   driver = new chromedriver(); // reason ff don't want load page me   baseurl = "";   driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(30, timeunit.seconds); }   @test @parameters({"login", "password"})   public void testsortowanie(string login, string password) throws exception {   login l = pagefactory.initelements(driver, login.class); //   driver.get(baseurl);   l.login(driver, login, password);  }  @afterclass(alwaysrun = true) public void teardown() throws exception {   driver.quit();   string verificationerrorstring = verificationerrors.tostring();   if (!"".equals(verificationerrorstring)) {   fail(verificationerrorstring); } } } 

config xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype suite system "">  <suite name="sortowanie test suite" verbose="2">      <test name="sortowanie test 1" >         <parameter name="login" value="login 1"/>            <parameter name="password" value="pass 1"/>         <classes>         <class name="orders.test_setup"/>             <class name="sortowanie"/>         </classes>     </test>      <test name="sortowanie test 2" >         <parameter name="login" value="login 2"/>            <parameter name="password" value="pass 2"/>         <classes>         <class name="orders.test_setup"/>             <class name="sortowanie"/>         </classes>     </test>  </suite> 


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