facebook - Converting an FQL query into a web service -

i have query can use in fql engine @ http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/

i utilize in java web service (http get?) in order retrieve same results. can devise way fetch access token out of existing database. here query:

select application_id developer developer_id = 54777**** 

it requires access token value in column. can fetch both in db. but, figure out how write web service can use in browser (not curl) know concept work before code objects , conditions in java.

can me out web service url? when try:


i get:

{    "error": {       "message": "an active access token must used query information current user.",       "type": "oauthexception",       "code": 2500    } } 

you're forgetting "?" has go before url parameters. correct url be:

https://graph.facebook.com/me/applications/developer/?access_token=xxxxxxx (note "?" after "/developer/")

also, should avoid posting own access tokens. one's expired, should never publicly post token.


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