sublimetext - How to add literal CDATA tags to a sublime text snippet file? -

is there way add tags content of sublime text snippet? cdata tags used sublime text distinguish between snippet xml , actual snippet content.

i have not been able work except

<snippet>     <content><![cdata[ <![cdata[  ]${1:\\}]> ]]></content>     <!-- optional: set tabtrigger define how trigger snippet -->     <!-- <tabtrigger>hello</tabtrigger> -->     <!-- optional: set scope limit snippet trigger -->     <scope>text.html.basic</scope> </snippet> 

which requires manually delete slash. know how go this?

if don't want snippet output slashes, why put them there in first place?

this works fine understanding, when there's extra-space before closing >.

<snippet>     <content><![cdata[ <![cdata[ $1 ]] > ]]></content>     <scope>text.html.basic</scope> </snippet> 

it seems more related xml standard rather being specific issue sublime text. take @ question: using cdata inside cdata.


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