sql - CASE vs IF-ELSE-IF vs GOTO keyword -

i have rules in application , have written business logic of rules in procedure. @ time of creation of procedure came know case statement won't work in scenario. have tried 2 ways perform same operations (using if-else-if or goto) shown below.

method 1 using if-else-if conditions:

declare @v_ruleid smallint;  if (@v_ruleid = 1)  begin      /*my business logic*/ end else if (@v_ruleid = 2)  begin      /*my business logic*/ end else if (@v_ruleid = 3)  begin      /*my business logic*/ end /*  ... ... ... ...*/ else if (@v_ruleid = 19)  begin      /*my business logic*/ end else if (@v_ruleid = 20)  begin      /*my business logic*/ end 

method 2 using goto statement:

declare @v_ruleid smallint, @v_temp varchar(100);  set @v_temp = 'goto rule' + convert(varchar, @v_ruleid); execute sp_executesql @v_temp;  rule1:  begin      /*my business logic*/ end  rule2:  begin      /*my business logic*/ end  rule3:  begin      /*my business logic*/ end  /*  ... ... ... ...*/  rule19:  begin      /*my business logic*/ end  rule20:  begin      /*my business logic*/ end 

today have 20 rules. can increase number in future. if can able use case statement have not problem performance, can't worried performance of procedure.

also 1 thing noticed procedure execute application.

my question is:

is there way use case statement in procedure? if not, method best use in procedure improve performance of code?

try 1 -

declare @v_ruleid smallint select @v_ruleid = 1;  declare @temp table (       ruleid int     , query nvarchar(max) )  insert @temp (ruleid, query) values      (1, 'exec dbo.usp_test1;'),     (2, 'create table dbo.table1 (id int);'),     (3, 'drop table dbo.table1;')  declare @sql nvarchar(max)  select @sql = query  @temp ruleid = @v_ruleid  print @sql  exec sys.sp_executesql @sql 


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