javascript - Grunt apply changes after edit js files -

i created first project using grunt. have problem, because after editing js files need restart server apply changes. when edit jade files not need restart server. , problem: how add auto-refresh browser after file changed?

my gruntfile:

'use strict';  module.exports = function (grunt) {     // show elapsed time @ end     require('time-grunt')(grunt);     // load grunt tasks     require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt);      grunt.initconfig({         reload: {             port: 9000,             proxy: {                 host: 'localhost'             }         },         // watch config         watch: {             files: ['views/**/*','routes/*'],             taksks: 'workon reload',             options: {                 nospawn: true // without option specified express won't reloaded             },             express: {                 files:  [ 'app.js', '!**/node_modules/**', '!gruntfile.js' ],                 tasks:  [ 'express:dev' ],                 options: {                     nospawn: true // without option specified express won't reloaded                 }             }         },           // clean config         clean: {             dist: {                 files: [{                     dot: true,                     src: [                         '.tmp',                         'dist/*',                         '!dist/.git*'                     ]                 }]             },             server: ['.tmp']         },         // express config         express: {             options: {               // override defaults here             },             dev: {                 options: {                     script: './bin/www'                 }             }         },         // open config         open: {             site: {                 path: 'http://localhost:9000',                 app: 'chrome'             }         }      });      // register tasks     // workon     grunt.registertask('workon', 'start working on project.', [         'express:dev',         'open:site',         'watch'     ]);       // restart     grunt.registertask('restart', 'restart server.', [         'express:dev',         'open:site',         'reload',         'watch'      ]);       // build     grunt.registertask('build', 'build production ready assets , views.', [         'clean:dist',         'concurrent:dist',         'useminprepare',         'imagemin',         'concat',         'cssmin',         'uglify',         'copy:dist',         'rev',         'usemin',     ]);      grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-express-server');     grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-watch');     grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-open');     grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-reload');   }; 

edit: after reload server page load slow:

enter image description here


  livereload: {         options: {           livereload: '<%= connect.options.livereload %>'         },         files: [          ]       } 

i think section of watch can you


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