dart - Handling clickevents from webcomponents inside of other webcomponents -

i have used dart webui create component contains component this.


the desired respons clicking had when click on inner component fires inside of inner component , not affect component contains it. click event on inner component fires both in inner , in outer component.

is there way handle click on inside , prevent "bubbling" parent element?

<!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <link rel="import" href="coloritem.html">   </head>   <body>     <element name="color-item-with-inside-color-item" constructor="coloritemwithinsidecoloritem" extends="coloritem">       <template>         <style scoped>                #inner-color-item div{                 border:5px solid whitesmoke;                }                #inner-color-item {                   margin-top:10px;                    margin-bottom:0px;               }          </style>          <color-item color_text="{{color_text}}" bg_color="{{bg_color}}" text_color="{{text_color}}">            <color-item id="inner-color-item" style></color-item> <!-- inner item -->         </color-item>        </template>             <script type="application/dart" src="coloritemwithinsidecoloritem.dart"></script>     </element>   </body> </html> 

on mouse event evt should able call evt.stoppropagation() prevent bubbling up.


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