How to load react-native-map on android application -
i have below code use react-native-map on android genymotion simulator. , followed instruction setup dependencies. when run react-native run-android, doesn't show ui. instead, shows while page line in middle. able load map on ios device similar code. wrong code android?
import react, { appregistry, component, stylesheet, text, view, image, listview, textinput, touchablehighlight, dimensions, //mapview, } 'react-native'; import mapview 'react-native-maps'; const styles = stylesheet.create({ map: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, }, container: { flexdirection: 'row', justifycontent: 'space-between', padding: 30, flex: 1, alignitems: 'center' }, inputtext: { height: 36, padding: 4, marginright: 5, flex: 4, fontsize: 18, borderwidth: 1, bordercolor: '#48bbec', borderradius: 8, color: '#48bbec' } }); class mappage extends component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { region:{ latitude: 4.21048, longitude: 101.97577, latitudedelta: 10, longitudedelta: 5 } } } render() { return( <view style={styles.container}> <textinput style={styles.inputtext}></textinput> <mapview style={ } maptype={"standard"} region={this.state.region} zoomenabled={true} scrollenabled={true} showsscale={true} ></mapview> </view> ) } } module.exports = mappage;
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