html5 - Canvas+Javascript water overlay -

i'm trying make water waves in javascript on canvas there wrong.

my idea making 3 waves different colors overdraw each other. not able figure out problem is.

<!doctype html>  <html>      <style>        <!-- 100% area -->      body, html {        height: 100%;        width: 100%;      }    </style>      <body>      <canvas id="mycanvas" ></canvas>        <script>        //get window size        var canvas = document.getelementbyid( "mycanvas" );        canvas.width = window.innerwidth;   /// equal window dimension        canvas.height = window.innerheight;          // context        var canvas = document.getelementbyid("mycanvas");        var context = canvas.getcontext('2d');            // variables        var framecount=0;        var n = 30;        var positionxteiler= math.floor(canvas.width/(n-n/2));        var size = 50;        var xoffset = 200;        var colors = [];        var amplitude = 200;        var wavescount = 3;            var init = function()        {          colors.push("rgba(0,0,128,1)");          colors.push("rgba(0,0,255,1)");          colors.push("rgba(47,86,233,1)");        }          var draw = function() {            context.clearrect (0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);	              (i=0; i<n; i++) {               (n=0; n<wavescount; n++) {               var x = amplitude*math.sin (framecount*0.02+n*math.pi/2);    ;              context.fillstyle = colors[n];              context.beginpath();              context.arc(positionxteiler*i+x-xoffset,canvas.height-n*20,size,0,math.pi*2,true);              context.closepath();              context.fill();                context.restore();            }          }                 // count frame , loop animation          framecount = framecount+1;          requestanimationframe(draw);        };          // start loop        init();        draw();          </script>      </body>    </html>

my result should + moving

enter image description here

loop waves and, inside, loop circles (i.e. invert 2 loops).

the goal draw circles of wave before moving next. way making sure circles of wave drawn on top of circles of previous one.

also, may want consider using time-based increment instead of frame count. animation frames not guaranteed regular , rate depends of user's system.

//get window size  var canvas = document.getelementbyid( "mycanvas" );  canvas.width = window.innerwidth;   /// equal window dimension  canvas.height = window.innerheight;    // context  var canvas = document.getelementbyid("mycanvas");  var context = canvas.getcontext('2d');    // variables  var framecount=0;  var n = 30;  var positionxteiler= math.floor(canvas.width/(n-n/2));  var size = 50;  var xoffset = 200;  var colors = [];  var amplitude = 200;  var wavescount = 3;      var init = function()  {    colors.push("rgba(0,0,128,1)");    colors.push("rgba(0,0,255,1)");    colors.push("rgba(47,86,233,1)");  }    var draw = function() {    context.clearrect (0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);      (n=wavescount-1; n>=0; n--) {       (i=0; i<n; i++) {         var x = amplitude*math.sin (framecount*0.02+n*math.pi/2);;        context.fillstyle = colors[n];        context.beginpath();        context.arc(positionxteiler*i+x-xoffset,canvas.height-n*20,size,0,math.pi*2,true);        context.closepath();        context.fill();        context.restore();      }    }           // count frame , loop animation    framecount = framecount+1;    requestanimationframe(draw);  };    // start loop  init();  draw();
<!-- 100% area -->  body, html {    height: 100%;    width: 100%;  }
<!doctype html>  <html>    <body>      <canvas id="mycanvas" ></canvas>    </body>  </html>


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