Hold, unhold feature for Twilio call which is already running -

i've twilio call routed agent via taskrouter(task, reservation created, agent has accepted call) , agent needs hold, unhold feature same twilio call. can please provide best practice this? can en-queuing call workflow?if yes then, how should redirect same call same agent un-hold feature?

please let me know if has code snippet available. i'm using php

you can handle 1 of few ways basic process is:

first, provide twilio twiml places call "hold" when you're ready, use callsid of call , rest api redirect live call.

<?php // php helper library twilio.com/docs/php/install require_once('/path/to/twilio-php/services/twilio.php'); // loads library  // account sid , auth token twilio.com/user/account $sid = "your_account_sid";  $token = "your_auth_token";  $client = new services_twilio($sid, $token);  // object sid. if not have sid, // check out list resource examples on page $call = $client->account->calls->get("call_sid"); $call->update(array(         "url" => "http://demo.twilio.com/docs/voice.xml",     "method" => "post"     )); echo $call->to; 

to handle "hold" can use <enqueue> verb guessed, placing call call queue. when ready, redirect call out of queue new experience.

or can use <play> , set loop attribute zero, tell twilio loop audio indefinitely. , again, redirect call when ready remove hold.


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