Android Wear Need to show notification on wear when the device is getting paired to wear -

please how can show notification on android wear paired device, weather notification google.


you can implement custom capability on phone. wearable listen capability wearablelistenerservice: override oncapabilitychanged. when phone connects wearable, capabilities provided reachable nodes (from watch) updated , oncapabilitychanged called.

see documentation advertise , retrieve capability.

advertise : (res/values/wear.xml) (mobile resources)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources>     <string-array name="android_wear_capabilities">         <item>my_phone_capability</item>     </string-array> </resources> 

listen changes on reachable capabilities : (wearablelistenerservice, service declared in manifest intent action bind_listener)

@override public void oncapabilitychanged(capabilityinfo capabilityinfo) {     string mphonenodeid = pickbestnodeid(capabilityinfo.getnodes());     // can check if it's capability want (my_phone_capability)     if (mphonenodeid == null) {         // phone disconnected     } else {         // phone connected, send notif     } } 


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