android - RecyclerView: toggling visibility of a children of all visible rows -

i have horizontal recyclerview. do, is, @ runtime, hide 2 textviews of items adapter.

so, do, cycle through visible items, layout, , change visibility of textviews inside each children.

you can see "simple layout" vs "complex layout" toggle.

i know should retrieve recyclerview children through assigned recyclerview.adapter, best solution?

thank lot help.

my code:

public viewholder(view v) {     super(v);     // logic here find children     v.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {             // adapter here, loop visible children, , change visibility?             // following line clicked item only:             tvwind.setvisibility(tvwind.getvisibility()==view.visible?view.gone:view.visible);         }     }); } 

from above code, can change visibility of clicked item, not visible items.

as discussed can achieved toggling visibility inside onbindviewholder() of adapter.


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