r - Using "rvest" scraping html table -

i try using rvest package scrape table:

library(rvest)  x <- read_html ("http://www.jcb.jp/rate/usd04182016.html") x %>% html_node(".csvtable") %>% html_table  

url elements likes:

<table class="csvtable">  <tbody>...</tbody>  <tbody class>...</tbody> </table> 

why occur error "no matches"?

you're in luck (kind of). site uses dynamic xhr requests make table, said request csv file.

library(rvest) library(stringr)  pg <- read_html("http://www.jcb.jp/rate/usd04182016.html")  # <script> tag dynamic loading in position 6 of  # list of <script> tags  fil <- str_match(html_text(html_nodes(pg, "script")[6]), "(/uploads/[[:digit:]]+\\.csv)")[,2]  df <- read.csv(sprintf("http://www.jcb.jp%s", fil), header=false, stringsasfactors=false)  df <- setnames(df[,3:6], c("buy", "mid", "sell", "symbol"))  head(df) ##        buy      mid     sell symbol ## 1   3.6735   3.6736   3.6737    aed ## 2  68.2700  69.0700  69.8700    afn ## 3 122.3300 122.6300 122.9300    ## 4 479.5000 481.0000 482.5000    amd ## 5   1.7710   1.8110   1.8510    ang ## 6 165.0600 165.3100 165.5600    aoa 

but, means can csv directly:


(just format date in requests).


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