osx - Row text moves up when row is deselected in NSOutlineView source list -

in app have set nsoutlineview displays categories sort of menu. works fine there problem when deselect item, titles in each row move in image below:

nsoutlineview deselection problem

her code using:

- (nsinteger)outlineview:(nsoutlineview *)outlineview numberofchildrenofitem:(id)item {      return [sectionsarray  count]; }  - (bool)outlineview:(nsoutlineview *)outlineview isitemexpandable:(id)item {      return no; }  -(bool)outlineview:(nsoutlineview*)outlineview isgroupitem:(id)item {      return no; }  - (nsview *)outlineview:(nsoutlineview *)outlineview viewfortablecolumn:(nstablecolumn *)tablecolumn item:(id)item {      nstablecellview *cellview = [outlineview makeviewwithidentifier:@"datacell" owner:self];     cellview.imageview.image = [nsimage imagenamed:@"point.png"];     cellview.textfield.stringvalue = item;      sectioncellcountfield *number = [[sectioncellcountfield alloc] initwithframe:nsmakerect(cellview.frame.size.width-50, 4, 35, 16)];     [cellview addsubview:number];      int rows = 0;      (int = 0; < [dataarray count]; i++) {          if ([item isequaltostring:[[dataarray objectatindex:i]valueforkey:@"cathegory"]]) {              rows = rows +1;         }      }      number.stringvalue = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i", rows];      return cellview; }  - (id)outlineview:(nsoutlineview *)outlineview         child:(nsinteger)index        ofitem:(id)item {      return [sectionsarray objectatindex:index];  } 

anybody have idea why behavior occurring? lot!

are using autolayout? i've seen sort of thing happen when forgot constrain @ least 2 of table cell view subview's top, bottom, or height. table , outline views tends make ambiguous layouts act up.


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