javascript - How to create Fixed page links in angularjs dir-pagination-controls? -

i new angularjs , have trying create fixed page links in dir-pagination-controls in angularjs have try use 'total-items=100' not working , getting values web services ,

what have tried

   app.controller('listdata',['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {         $scope.xxxx = []; //declare empty array         data = [];         function getresultspage(pagenumber) {             console.log('please wait while data loadind');              $http({                 method: 'post',                 url: ajaxurl,                 params: {                     'action': 'get_xxxx',                     'pagenumber': pagenumber,                     'usersperpage': $scope.usersperpage                 }             }).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {                 $scope.xxxx = $scope.xxxx.concat(data);                 $scope.totalusers = 100;              });         }         $scope.users = [];         $scope.totalusers = 0;         $scope.usersperpage = usersperpage; // should match many results api puts on 1 page         getresultspage(1);          $scope.pagination = {             current: 1         };         $scope.pagechanged = function(newpage) {             console.log(newpage);             getresultspage(newpage);         };         $scope.sort = function (keyname) {             $scope.sortkey = keyname;   //set sortkey param passed             $scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse; //if true make false , vice versa         };     }]);        <tr dir-paginate="xxxx in xxxxs|orderby:sortkey:reverse|filter:search|itemsperpage:usersperpage"  >              <!--td>{{}}</td-->               <td>{{}}</td>               <td>{{xxxx.neighborhood}}</td>             <td class="td-edit"><img src="<?php echo esc_url(get_template_directory_uri()); ?>/dist/images/edit.png"></td>     </tr>       <dir-pagination-controls on-page-change="pagechanged(newpagenumber)"></dir-pagination-controls> 


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