url rewriting - Remove parent categories from subcategory in URLs in Magento -

magento version

i have tried following solution doesn't work me.

step 1: go app/code/core/mage/catalog/model/url.php copy file app/code/local/mage/catalog/model/url.php because core magento file have copy file app/code/local.

step 2: search getcategoryrequestpath($category, $parentpath) around line 698 in magento ver.

step 3: search if (null === $parentpath) around line 717 , comment line below:

/* if (null === $parentpath) { $parentpath = $this->getresource()->getcategoryparentpath($category); } elseif ($parentpath == '/'){*/ $parentpath = ''; //do not comment line //}  

step 4: go magento admin , clear cache system->cache management , reindex system->index management data.

step 5: refresh browser cache , navigate again see sub category in url not parent category http://www.abcxyz.com/test-category-level-1-3.html - see more at: http://www.expertwebadvisor.com/remove-parent-category-path-from-sub-category-url-in-magento/#sthash.cy3hvxww.dpuf

i have tried solution doesn't work me.

suppose want remove parent category path url such url-> www.domain.com/cat1/cat2 www.domain.com/cat2

usage :

go magento admin panel -> system -> configuration -> catalog -> seo options select yes or no "use parent category path category urls" refresh category url index. 

option yes => www.domain.com/cat1/cat2

option no => www.domain.com/cat2

help me if have solution

your first alternative needs work. check if override "mage_catalog_model_url" working fine. try die() within method.

i have did particular category id. need remove category id '4' every category url. , below code it:

public function getcategoryrequestpath($category, $parentpath) {     $storeid = $category->getstoreid();     $idpath  = $this->generatepath('id', null, $category);     $suffix  = $this->getcategoryurlsuffix($storeid);      if (isset($this->_rewrites[$idpath])) {         $this->_rewrite = $this->_rewrites[$idpath];         $existingrequestpath = $this->_rewrites[$idpath]->getrequestpath();     }      if ($category->geturlkey() == '') {         $urlkey = $this->getcategorymodel()->formaturlkey($category->getname());     }     else {         $urlkey = $this->getcategorymodel()->formaturlkey($category->geturlkey());     }      $categoryurlsuffix = $this->getcategoryurlsuffix($category->getstoreid());     if (null === $parentpath && $category->getparentid() != 4) {         $parentpath = $this->getresource()->getcategoryparentpath($category);     }     elseif($category->getparentid() == 4){         $parentpath = '';     }     elseif ($parentpath == '/') {         $parentpath = '';     }     $parentpath = mage::helper('catalog/category')->getcategoryurlpath($parentpath,         true, $category->getstoreid());      $requestpath = $parentpath . $urlkey . $categoryurlsuffix;     if (isset($existingrequestpath) && $existingrequestpath == $requestpath . $suffix) {         return $existingrequestpath;     }      if ($this->_deleteoldtargetpath($requestpath, $idpath, $storeid)) {         return $requestpath;     }      return $this->getunusedpath($category->getstoreid(), $requestpath,         $this->generatepath('id', null, $category)     ); } 


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