python - How to make some buttons call methods from previous classes in tkinter? -

i used tkinter set 4 buttons, , want print different strings @ each button press. when run code, got 4 different strings printed(one of each) @ once without pressing of them , when press, nothing happens. here's code:

from tkinter import *  class motor:     def __init__(elemesmo, eixo , valorzero):         elemesmo.eixo = eixo = valorzero      def aumenta(self):         print(self.eixo + str( def diminui(self):         print(self.eixo + str( def para(self):         print(self.eixo + str(  def paratudo():     motor.para(eixox)     motor.para(eixoy)  eixox = motor('x',90) eixoy = motor('y',90)   class interface:     def __init__(elemesmo, widget):         quadro = frame(widget)         quadro.pack()         elemesmo.aumentarx = button(quadro,text="aumentar x",height=10,width=20,command=eixox.aumenta())         elemesmo.aumentarx.pack(side=right)         elemesmo.diminuirx = button(quadro,text="diminuir x",height=10,width=20,command=eixox.diminui())         elemesmo.diminuirx.pack(side=left)         elemesmo.aumentary = button(quadro,text="aumentar y",height=10,width=20,command=eixoy.aumenta())         elemesmo.aumentary.pack(side=top)         elemesmo.diminuiry = button(quadro,text="diminuir y",height=10,width=20,command=eixoy.diminui())         elemesmo.diminuiry.pack(side=top)  widget = tk() app = interface(widget) widget.mainloop() 

also, run paratudo() when button released, independently button released, know command option.

the functions being called button widgets created.

...command=eixox.aumenta())                         ^^ 

including parentheses calls function , binds command returned result of function. don't want that. want give button actual function. call function when click it.



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