php - how to insert bulk data at a time in laravel? -

hi trying insert multiple rows in database @ time. can save single row @ time. have done following:

public function addnewpricerevision($data){ $pricerevision=new productpricerevision(     [         'product_id'=>$data->product_id,         'invent_price'=>$data->invent_price,         'revised_price'=>$data->revised_price,         'effective_date'=>$data->effective_date,         'deleted'=>$data->deleted,         'remark'=>$data->remark,         'user'=>$data->user,         'date'=>$data->updated_at,      ]     );  $pricerevision->save();  return common::getjsonresponse(true, 'new price revision created successfully!', 200); } 

try convert objects arrays , create array multiple arrays:

$data = array($data1->toarray(), $data2->toarray()); 

if need add timestamps, must manually:

$date = date('y-m-d h:i:s');  $data1 = $data1->toarray(); $data1['created_at'] = $date; $data1['updated_at'] = $date;  $data2 = $data2->toarray(); $data2['created_at'] = $date; $data2['updated_at'] = $date;  $data = array($data1, $data2); 

then use mass assignment feature create rows:


and don't forget fill $fillable array inside productpricerevision model:

protected $fillable = [     'product_id',     'invent_price',     'revised_price',     'effective_date',     'deleted',     'remark',     'user',     'updated_at' ]; 


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