android - AS3 Moving vertical and on a random point -

i have code here should have linked movie clip generated randomly on top of stage. generate randomly not on top. items generated supposed move down , disappear, doesn't.

i making game designed android smartphones..

multitouch.inputmode = multitouchinputmode.touch_point; //create enemies array var enemies:array; enemies = new array();   makeenemies(); moveenemies();     //call function how many enemies want make... function makeenemies():void {     var tempenemy:movieclip;     //make sure library item linkage set enemy...     tempenemy = new enemy();     tempenemy.speed = 20;     tempenemy.x = math.random()* 800;     tempenemy.cacheasbitmapmatrix = tempenemy.transform.concatenatedmatrix;     tempenemy.cacheasbitmap = true;     trace("enemy");     addchild(tempenemy);     enemies.push(tempenemy);       tempenemy.addeventlistener(, killenemies); }     function killenemies(event:mouseevent):void { trace("tap"); }  //create enemies array if not have one... //create tempenemy enemy library item if not have one... function moveenemies():void {     var tempenemy:movieclip;     (var i:int =enemies.length-1; i>=0; i--)     {         tempenemy = enemies[i];          //rotate enemy between 10-5 degrees         tempenemy.rotation += (math.round(math.random()*50-5));         //find rotation , move x position direction         tempenemy.x -=  (math.sin((math.pi/180)*tempenemy.rotation))*tempenemy.speed;         tempenemy.y +=  (math.cos((math.pi/180)*tempenemy.rotation))*tempenemy.speed;         if (tempenemy.x < 0)         {             tempenemy.x = 0;         }         if (tempenemy.x > stage.stagewidth)         {             tempenemy.x = stage.stagewidth;         }          if (tempenemy.y > stage.stageheight)         {              //remove enemy enemies array             removeenemy(i);             //subtract life             trace("awwwww");         }     } }  function removeenemy(idx:int) {     removechild(enemies[idx]);     enemies.splice(idx,1); } 

you should call moveenemies(); every frame, so:

import flash.event.event; addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, onenter_frame); function onenter_frame(e:event):void {     moveenemies(); } 

also, might idea set type of enemy enemy instead of movieclip

var enemy:enemy = new enemy(); 


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