maven - Performance of Spring boot project when makes it installed -

i made 2 programs. 1 client program sends udp packet udp server , other server program receives udp packet udp client.

udp server made spring boot. problem there difference of performance between run in sts(spring tools suite) , run jar(maven installed). when run program in sts(run as->spring boot app), gets packets client. if client sent 3,000 packets, gets 3,000 packet. when run jar(maven install), gets little of packets 200-300. it's same code.

i don't know why occurs. there way build spring boot app or need option?

whole code large. upload connect, send, bind code.

this client program

public udpclient(string[] args) {      connector = new niodatagramconnector();     connector.sethandler(this);     connectfuture connfuture = connector.connect(new inetsocketaddress(             args[0], 6001));     connfuture.awaituninterruptibly();      if(args[1] != null) {         totalcount = integer.parseint(args[1]);     }     if(args[2] != null) {         count = integer.parseint(args[2]);     }      connfuture.addlistener(new iofuturelistener<connectfuture>() {         public void operationcomplete(connectfuture future) {             if (future.isconnected()) {                 session = future.getsession();                 try {                     senddata(totalcount, count);                 } catch (interruptedexception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                 }             } else {                 logger.error("not connected...exiting");             }         }     }); }  private void senddata(int totalcount, int count) throws interruptedexception {     int tempcount = 0;     (int = 0; < totalcount; i++) {          try{             file udpdata = new file("udp_data.txt");             bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(new filereader(udpdata));              string line;             int k = 0;             arraylist<iobuffer> buflist = new arraylist<iobuffer>();              while((line = br.readline()) != null) {                  string[] str = line.split(" ");                 iobuffer buf = iobuffer.allocate(str.length);                  (int j = 0; j < str.length; j++) {                      int hexdata = integer.parseint(str[j],16);                     byte hexbyte = (byte)hexdata;                     buf.put(hexbyte);                 }                  buflist.add(buf);                 buf.flip();             }              long starttime = system.currenttimemillis();             (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {                 session.write(buflist.get(j));                  tempcount++;                  if(j % 100 == 0) {                     thread.sleep(1);                 }             }              long endtime = system.currenttimemillis();              system.out.println("oper time : " + (endtime - starttime));          } catch(exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }     system.out.println("total send count : " + tempcount); } 

and server program.

@service public class modbusudpmina {      private static logger logger = loggerfactory.getlogger(modbusudpmina.class);      @autowired     private iohandleradapter ioudphandleradapter;      @autowired     private protocolcodecfactory ambprotocolcodecfactory;      @postconstruct     public void bind() {         niodatagramacceptor acceptor = new niodatagramacceptor();         acceptor.getfilterchain().addlast(\"codec\", new protocolcodecfilter(ambprotocolcodecfactory));         acceptor.sethandler(ioudphandleradapter);         acceptor.getsessionconfig().setreuseaddress(true);         acceptor.getsessionconfig().setreceivebuffersize(1024*512);         acceptor.getsessionconfig().setreadbuffersize(2048);         acceptor.getsessionconfig().setidletime(idlestatus.both_idle, 10);         try {             acceptor.bind(new inetsocketaddress(6001));         } catch (ioexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e.printstacktrace();         }     } } 


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