angularjs - Custom directive not outputting correct result -

i have following custom directive customerdirective :

var app = angular.module('directiveapp', []);  var dircontroller = app.controller('directivecontroller', function() {     this.customer = {         name: 'james',         address: 'mellieha'     }; });  dircontroller.directive('customerdirective', function() {     return {         template: 'name: {{}}      address: {{customer.address}}'     }; }); 

and invoked in index.html follows :

<!doctype html> <html lang="en">  <head>     <meta charset="utf-8">     <title>example - example-example12-production</title>     <script src="../../bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>     <script src="directive.js"></script> </head>  <body ng-app="directiveapp">     <div ng-controller="directivecontroller">         <div customer-directive></div>     </div> </body>  </html> 

however result outputted not expected:

name:      address: 

for reason, angular expressions containing customer details not being captured. resigned fact overlooking obvious alas have not managed far.

ps: example taken directly angularjs developer guide particularly this section

you have 2 options solve this:

example $scope:

var app = angular.module('directiveapp', []);  app.controller('directivecontroller', function($scope) {     $scope.customer = {         name: 'james',         address: 'mellieha'     }; });  app.directive('customerdirective', function() {     return {         template: 'name: {{}}      address: {{customer.address}}'     }; }); 

example controller-as (without $scope):

app.controller('directivecontroller', function() {     this.customer = {         name: 'james',         address: 'mellieha'     }; });  app.directive('customerdirective', function() {     return {         template: 'name: {{}}      address: {{dirctrl.customer.address}}'     }; });  <body ng-app="directiveapp">     <div ng-controller="directivecontroller dirctrl">         <div customer-directive></div>     </div> </body> 


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