conv neural network - Which part of the deploy.prototxt file in caffe is absolutely necessary for testing? -

in recent discussion, found out parts of deploy.prototxt exist because have been directly copied train_test.prototxt , ignored during testing. example:

    layer {   name: "conv1"   type: "convolution"   bottom: "data"   top: "conv1"   param {                     #starting here     lr_mult: 1   }   param {     lr_mult: 2   }                           #to here   convolution_param {         #is section useful?     num_output: 20     kernel_size: 5     stride: 1     weight_filler {       type: "xavier"     }     bias_filler {       type: "constant"     }   } } 

i told section containing lr weights biases useless in deploy files , deleted. got me thinking, convolution_param portion absolutely required? if yes, still have define weight , bias fillers testing using file , fillers initialized when need train network. there other detail unnecessary?

the convolution_param portion required can remove weight_filler , bias_filler if want.


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