ckfinder thumbnails slow -

we using paid version of ckfinder. when open pop-up see our complete structured folder images, takes ages load.

this due ckfinder , not our server. if have coded own "finder" load images instantly, because deadline couldnt code myself , decided use ckfinder said, horribly slow.

is there way speed process dont have wait seconds every single time go new folder? folders take 10 seconds load, , yes... there 50+ images in folder said. made small script same ckfinder , loads instantly. since paid ckfinder want use this, reduce load times.

as said, if have coded own finder there no delay compared ckfinder.

i hope knows how speed ckfinder :)

there small problem in config.php may make ckfinder slow: default backend remote 1 (ftp), , it's used in privatedir section backend store ckfinder private files (including generated thumbnails). fetching data ftp slower in comparison local file system, , may cause delays. way solve creating additional backend in local file system , use storage private data in privatedir section.


$config['privatedir'] = array(     'backend' => 'ckfinder_private_data', // use local file system backend.     'tags'   => '.ckfinder/tags',     'logs'   => '.ckfinder/logs',     'cache'  => '.ckfinder/cache',     'thumbs' => '.ckfinder/cache/thumbs', );  $config['backends'][] = array(     'name'    => 'ckfinder_private_data',     'adapter' => 'local',     'root'    => '/path/to/writable/dir/' ); 

additionally, may try lowering thumbnaildelay in ckfinder javascript client.


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