- How can I populate C# classes from an XML document that has some embedded data? -

i have api has returned this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <worddefinition xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">   <word>abandon</word>   <definitions>     <definition>       <word>abandon</word>       <dictionary>         <id>wn</id>         <name>wordnet (r) 2.0</name>       </dictionary>       <worddefinition>abandon      n 1: trait of lacking restraint or control; freedom           inhibition or worry; "she danced abandon" [syn: {wantonness},            {unconstraint}]      2: feeling of extreme emotional intensity; "the wildness of         anger" [syn: {wildness}]      v 1: forsake, leave behind; "we abandoned old car in           empty parking lot"      2: stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas, claims, etc.;         "he abandoned thought of asking hand in         marriage"; "both sides have give calims in         these negociations" [syn: {give up}]      3: give intent of never claiming again; "abandon         life god"; "she gave children         ex-husband when moved tahiti"; "we gave         drowning victim dead" [syn: {give up}]      4: leave behind empty; move out of; "you must vacate         office tonight" [syn: {vacate}, {empty}]      5: leave needs or counts on you; leave in         lurch; "the mother deserted children" [syn: {forsake},          {desolate}, {desert}] </worddefinition>     </definition>   </definitions> </worddefinition> 

here code used retrieve xml data:

        webrequest request = webrequest.create("");         request.method = "post";         string postdata = "dictid=wn&word=abandon";         byte[] bytearray = encoding.utf8.getbytes(postdata);         request.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";         request.contentlength = bytearray.length;         stream datastream = request.getrequeststream();         datastream.write(bytearray, 0, bytearray.length);         datastream.close();         webresponse response = request.getresponse();         console.writeline(((httpwebresponse)response).statusdescription);         datastream = response.getresponsestream();         streamreader reader = new streamreader(datastream);         string responsefromserver = reader.readtoend();         console.writeline(responsefromserver);         reader.close();         datastream.close();         response.close(); 

i extract data xml list definition class looks like:

public class def {     public string text { get; set; }     public list<string> synonym { get; set; } }  public class definition {     public string type { get; set; } // single character: n or v or      public list<def> def { get; set; } } 

can give me advice on how can , show options available me pick class elements out of xml , put these classes.

as think question helpful many other people i'll open large bounty can take time come example


sorry. made mistake synonym. have changed now. hope makes more sense. synonyms list put in bold needing 2 answers far don't seem answer question @ all. thank you.

i created simple parser word definition (pretty sure there's room improvements here):

solution 1.0

class parseymcparseface {     /// <summary>     /// word definition lines     /// </summary>     private string[] _text;      /// <summary>     /// constructor (takes innertext of worddefinition tag input     /// </summary>     /// <param name="text">innertext of worddefinition</param>     public parseymcparseface(string text)     {         _text = text.split(new [] {'\n'}, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries)             .skip(1) // skip first line word mentioned             .toarray();     }      /// <summary>     /// convert single letter type full human readable type     /// </summary>     /// <param name="c"></param>     /// <returns></returns>     private string chartotype(char c)     {         switch (c)         {             case 'a':                 return "adjective";             case 'n':                 return "noun";             case 'v':                 return "verb";             default:                 return "unknown";         }     }      /// <summary>     /// reorganize data easier parsing     /// </summary>     /// <param name="text">lines of text</param>     /// <returns></returns>     private static list<list<string>> makelists(ienumerable<string> text)     {         list<list<string>> types = new list<list<string>>();         int = -1;         int j = 0;         foreach (var line in text)         {             // new type (noun, verb, adj.)             if (regex.ismatch(line.trim(), "^[avn]{1}\\ \\d+"))             {                 types.add(new list<string> { line.trim() });                 i++;                 j = 0;             }             // new definition in previous type             else if (regex.ismatch(line.trim(), "^\\d+"))             {                 j++;                 types[i].add(line.trim());             }             // new line of same definition             else             {                 types[i][j] = types[i][j] + " " + line.trim();             }         }          return types;     }      public list<definition> parse()     {         var definitionslines = makelists(_text);          list<definition> definitions = new list<definition>();          foreach (var type in definitionslines)         {              var defs = new list<def>();             foreach (var def in type)             {                 var match = regex.match(def.trim(), "(?:\\:\\ )(\\w|\\ |;|\"|,|\\.|-)*[\\[]{0,1}");                 matchcollection syns = regex.matches(def.trim(), "\\{(\\w|\\ )+\\}");                  list<string> synonymes = new list<string>();                 foreach (match syn in syns)                 {                     synonymes.add(syn.value.trim('{', '}'));                 }                  defs.add(new def()                 {                     text = match.value.trim(':', '[', ' '),                     synonym = synonymes                 });             }               definitions.add(new definition             {                 type = chartotype(type[0][0]),                 def = defs             });         }         return definitions;     } } 

and here's usage example:

webrequest request =  webrequest.create(""); request.method = "post"; string postdata = "dictid=wn&word=abandon"; byte[] bytearray = encoding.utf8.getbytes(postdata); request.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.contentlength = bytearray.length; stream datastream = request.getrequeststream(); datastream.write(bytearray, 0, bytearray.length); datastream.close(); webresponse response = request.getresponse(); console.writeline(((httpwebresponse)response).statusdescription); datastream = response.getresponsestream(); streamreader reader = new streamreader(datastream); string responsefromserver = reader.readtoend();   var doc = new xmldocument(); doc.loadxml(responsefromserver ); var el = doc.getelementsbytagname("worddefinition");  parseymcparseface parseymcparseface = new parseymcparseface(el[1].innertext); var parsingresult = parseymcparseface.parse(); // parsingresult contain list of definitions // per format specified in question. 

and here's live demo:

you can avoid manually retrieving parsing xml adding reference webservice.

solution 2.0

i've made little app parses definition. hosted here on github (it's big post here on stackoverflow):

public enum wordtypes {     noun,     verb,     adjective,     adverb,     unknown }  public class definition {     public definition()     {         synonyms = new list<string>();         anotnyms = new list<string>();     }     public wordtypes wordtype { get; set; }     public string definitiontext { get; set; }     public list<string> synonyms { get; set; }     public list<string> anotnyms { get; set; }  }  static class definitionparser {     public static list<definition> parse(string worddefinition)     {         var worddefinitionlines = worddefinition.split(new[] { '\n' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries)             .skip(1)             .select(x => x.trim())             .tolist();          var flatenedlist = makelists(worddefinitionlines).selectmany(x => x).tolist();          var result = new list<definition>();         foreach (var wd in flatenedlist)         {             var foundmatch = regex.match(wd, @"^(?<matchtype>adv|adj|v|n){0,1}\s*(\d*): (?<definition>[\w\s;""',\.\(\)\!\-]+)(?<extrainfosyns>\[syn: ((?<wordsyn>\{[\w\s\-]+\})|(?:[,\ ]))*\]){0,1}\s*(?<extrainfoants>\[ant: ((?<wordant>\{[\w\s-]+\})|(?:[,\ ]))*\]){0,1}");              var def = new definition();              if (foundmatch.groups["matchtype"].success)             {                 var matchtype = foundmatch.groups["matchtype"];                 def.wordtype = definitiontypetoenum(matchtype.value);             }              if (foundmatch.groups["definition"].success)             {                 var definition = foundmatch.groups["definition"];                 def.definitiontext = definition.value;             }              if (foundmatch.groups["extrainfosyns"].success && foundmatch.groups["wordsyn"].success)             {                 foreach (capture capture in foundmatch.groups["wordsyn"].captures)                 {                     def.synonyms.add(capture.value.trim('{','}'));                 }             }              if (foundmatch.groups["extrainfoants"].success && foundmatch.groups["wordant"].success)             {                 foreach (capture capture in foundmatch.groups["wordant"].captures)                 {                     def.anotnyms.add(capture.value.trim('{', '}'));                 }             }              result.add(def);         }         return result;     }      private static list<list<string>> makelists(ienumerable<string> text)     {         list<list<string>> types = new list<list<string>>();         int = -1;         int j = 0;         foreach (var line in text)         {             // new type (noun, verb, adj.)             if (regex.ismatch(line, "^(adj|v|n|adv){1}\\s\\d*"))             {                 types.add(new list<string> { line });                 i++;                 j = 0;             }             // new definition in previous type             else if (regex.ismatch(line, "^\\d+"))             {                 j++;                 types[i].add(line);             }             // new line of same definition             else             {                 types[i][j] = types[i][j] + " " + line;             }         }          return types;     }      private static wordtypes definitiontypetoenum(string input)     {         switch (input)         {             case "adj":                 return wordtypes.adjective;             case "adv":                 return wordtypes.adverb;             case "n":                 return wordtypes.noun;             case "v":                 return wordtypes.verb;             default:                 return wordtypes.unknown;         }     } } 

enter image description here


  • this should work expected
  • parsing free text not reliable
  • you should import service reference (as noted in other answer) instead of parsing xml manually.


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