swift - how to pass a nil value for one of the parameter in alamofire Post request -

i pass nil value i.e., optional 1 of parameter value. , must proceed nil value in alamofire post request .it helpful if tell me how proceed next?

    let image: uiimage = uiimage()     let imagedata = uiimagepngrepresentation(image)     let base64string = imagedata?.base64encodedstringwithoptions(.encoding64characterlinelength)      let parameters = [         "first_name": "xxxxx",         "email" : "1234@gmail.com",         "password" : "password",         "profile_picture" : base64string]  alamofire.request(.post, "http://abc/public/user/register", parameters: parameters, encoding: .json, headers: nil)          .progress { byteswritten, totalbyteswritten, totalbytesexpectedtowrite in             print(totalbyteswritten)              // closure not called on main queue performance             // reasons. update ui, dispatch main queue.             dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {                 print("total bytes written on main queue: \(totalbyteswritten)")            }         }         .responsejson { response in             debugprint(response)     } 

the response should gets succeeded if profile_pictures empty. know can done optional chaining don't know how proceed!!

by passing nil or uninitialized optional parameter server optional

you can pass nsnull() dictionary

try this, like

var params = ["parama","valuea"] if imagebase64 == nil {   parms["image"] = nsnull()} else {   params["image"] = imagebase64 } 

swiftyjson handle null nsnull

also there reference here null / nil in swift language
