resize - Java, Image turns black after resizing File in Java -

image turns black after resizing multipartfile in java ..

i trying save file in sql db.. need down image quality , size because of memory..after resizing gets black ..

any ideas?

private static int img_height = 1280; private static int img_width= 860; private static int imgtype = image.scale_smooth;  try {         bytearr = doc.getbytes();         imageicon imgicon = new imageicon(bytearr);          int height = imgicon.geticonheight();         int width  = imgicon.geticonwidth();          if(height > img_height || width > img_width){              int newwidth = width;             int newheight = height;              if(height > img_height){                 newheight = img_height;             }              if(width > img_width){                 newwidth = img_width;             }              system.out.println("img newheight = "+newheight);             system.out.println("img newwidth = "+newwidth);              image newimage = imgicon.getimage();             newimage = newimage.getscaledinstance(newwidth, newheight, imgtype);              bufferedimage buffimage = new bufferedimage(newwidth, newheight, bufferedimage.type_int_rgb);             graphics2d g2 = buffimage.creategraphics();             g2.setrenderinghint(renderinghints.key_interpolation, renderinghints.value_interpolation_bilinear);             g2.setrenderinghint(renderinghints.key_rendering, renderinghints.value_render_quality);             g2.drawimage(newimage, 0, 0, width, height, null);      //      g2.setcolor(color.white);     //      g2.fillrect(0, 0, newwidth, newheight);     //      g2.setcomposite(alphacomposite.srcover);      //      affinetransform scaletransform = affinetransform.getscaleinstance(width / (double) newimage.getwidth(null), height / (double) newimage.getheight(null));     //      g2.drawimage(newimage, scaletransform, null);             g2.dispose();                 baos = new bytearrayoutputstream();              imageio.write(buffimage,"jpg", baos); 

i had similar issue images transparent background. passing color.white in graphics.drawimage background color helped avoid black background.

    graphics2d graphics = buffimage.creategraphics();     graphics.drawimage(newimage, 0, 0, image_width, image_height, color.white, null);     graphics.setcomposite(alphacomposite.getinstance(alphacomposite.dst_in, 1.0f)); 


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