Files are getting corrupted when download using ftp in java -

files getting corrupted when trying pull compressed files. here code have used. not able understand going wrong. format of files .zip , inside has xml files. after downloading remote server,xml files tags changed , looks corrupted.

public boolean pullconfirmationsftp(string host, string sftpusername, string sftppwd,       string sftpport, string fromconfirmationdirectory, string archiveconfirmationdirectory,       string todirectory) {     try {        // new ftp client       ftpclient ftp = new ftpclient();       // try connect       ftp.connect(host);       // login server       if (!ftp.login(sftpusername, sftppwd)) {         ftp.logout();         log4j.error("authentication failed");       }       int reply = ftp.getreplycode();       // ftpreply stores set of constants ftp reply codes.       if (!ftpreply.ispositivecompletion(reply)) {         ftp.disconnect();       }        // enter passive mode       ftp.enterlocalpassivemode();        // system name       // system.out.println("remote system " + ftp.getsystemtype());       // change current directory       ftp.changeworkingdirectory(fromconfirmationdirectory);       system.out.println("current directory " + ftp.printworkingdirectory());        // list of filenames       ftpfile[] ftpfiles = ftp.listfiles();        if (ftpfiles != null && ftpfiles.length > 0) {         // loop thru files         (ftpfile file : ftpfiles) {           try{           if (!file.isfile()) {             continue;           }           log4j.error("file " + file.getname());           // output stream           outputstream output;           output = new fileoutputstream(todirectory + file.getname());           // file remote system           ftp.retrievefile(file.getname(), output);            // close output stream           output.close();            // delete file           ftp.deletefile(file.getname());           }           catch(exception e)           {             log4j.error("error in pushing file : ",e);           }         }       }        ftp.logout();       ftp.disconnect();     } catch (exception ex) {       ex.printstacktrace();       log4j.error(ex);     }      return true;   } 

you didn't ftpclient use, i'm guessing apache commons. documentation ftpclient says:

the default settings ftpclient use ftp.ascii_file_type , ftp.non_print_text_format , ftp.stream_transfer_mode , , ftp.file_structure . file types directly supported ftp.ascii_file_type , ftp.binary_file_type

as zip-file binary file have add


api: ftpclient.setfiletype
