javascript - Using *ngIf + template variables + loadIntoLocation to load components into view programatically -
i trying build login page login template replaced app+router-outlet.
the html:
<div class="contentwrapper" *ngif="!logedin"> login html.... </div> <div *ngif="logedin"> <div #header></div> <div class="contentwrapper"> <div #nav></div> <div class="main"> <router-outlet> </router-outlet> </div> </div> </div>
the component
export class appcomponent implements oninit{ logedin = 0; constructor( private _dcl:dynamiccomponentloader, private _elmref:elementref, private _httprest:httprest //http calls service ){} ngoninit(){} login(){ var vm = this; //simulated xhr settimeout(()=>{ vm.postloginsuccess() }) } postloginsuccess(){ var vm = this; vm.logedin = 1; settimeout(()=>{ vm.loadapp() },0); } loadapp(){ this._dcl.loadintolocation(header,this._elmref,"header"); this._dcl.loadintolocation(navigation,this._elmref,"nav"); } }
i trying to: 1) show login template 2) on login success update logedin 3) hide login accordingly 4) show app
this results in error msg:
could not find variable header
i understand happening because #header local variable under scope of *ngif template. tried resolve technique (swaping template using *ngif , local variables # using loadintolocation) in several ways without success.
the thing app frame (meaning navigation + header) not loaded via <router-outlet> need conditional way load frame components without using routing (since <router-outlet> renders content in case), after login returned succesfully.
help appriciated.
when template variable inside *ngif
isn't found. i don't know if design or bug. design.
update angular 2 dynamic tabs user-click chosen components shows same example up-to-date code.
original (outdated code)
if need use dynamiccomponentloader
can using wrapper component like
import {component, dynamiccomponentloader, elementref, input, viewchild, viewcontainerref} 'angular2/core';
@component({ selector: 'dcl-wrapper', template: `<div #target></div>` }) export class dclwrapper { @viewchild('target', {read: viewcontainerref}) target; constructor(private dcl:dynamiccomponentloader) {} @input() type; ngonchanges() { if(this.cmpref) { this.cmpref.dispose(); } if(this.type) { this.dcl.loadnexttolocation(this.type, => { this.cmpref = cmpref; }); } } }
@component({ selector: 'header-comp', template: 'header' }) export class header{} @component({ selector: 'my-app', directives: [dclwrapper], template: ` <h1>hello</h1> <div class="contentwrapper" *ngif="!logedin"> login html.... </div> <div *ngif="logedin"> <dcl-wrapper [type]="headercmp"></dcl-wrapper> <div class="contentwrapper"> <div #nav></div> <div class="main"> <router-outlet> </router-outlet> </div> </div> </div> <button (click)="login()">log in</button> `, }) export class appcomponent { constructor( private _dcl:dynamiccomponentloader, private _elmref:elementref, /*private _httprest:httprest*/ /*http calls service*/){} headercmp = null; logedin = true; ngoninit(){} login(e){ console.log('login'); //var vm = this; //simulated xhr settimeout(()=>{ this.postloginsuccess() }) } postloginsuccess(){ //var vm = this; this.logedin = true; settimeout(()=>{ this.loadapp(); }); } loadapp(){ console.log('loadapp'); this.headercmp = header; //this._dcl.loadintolocation(header,this._elmref,"header"); //this._dcl.loadintolocation(navigation,this._elmref,"nav"); } }
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