vba - Excel -Access DB -ADO. Memory Leak-> System Resource Exceeded -
im using excel vba clean large csv files. load csv files access database using sql queries perform data transformation activities. process in abstract goes this
open excel --> on start click crate access database --> load csv files different tables --> different ddl dml statements on database using adoddb connection --> output final data.
the problem facing here memory usage goes excel. seems access db processing added excel itself. error "system resource exceeded"
each time query executed. memory usage goes high , never comes down. queries on around 10k 100k records in 3-4 tables.
why memory usage never comes down?
every time ddl/dml query open adodb connection , close it. close recordsets after use , set nothing. still memory usage never comes down.
saw different articles related. discussing data in same excel file. in case no data kept in memory or in excel file.
i saw 1 article microsoft here talks data in excel itself. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/319998
does know workaround please?
for eg: load data table csv file use below code
strsql = "select * " & tablename & " [text;fmt=delimited;hdr=yes;database=" & dspath & "].[" & dsname & "]" executesql strsql private function executesql(sql string) long dim con adodb.connection dim long connect con con.execute sql, executesql = closecon con end function public sub closecon(byref con adodb.connection) if not con nothing if con.state = adstateopen con.close set con = nothing end if end if end sub public sub connect(byref con adodb.connection) dim constr string if not con nothing if con.state = adstateopen exit sub end if end if on error goto err closecon con set con = new adodb.connection constr = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=" & dbfile & ";persist security info=false" con.open constr, , , -1 exit sub err: end sub
this has helped little.
instead of using separate connection object each time opening , closing tried use public connection object open beginning , closed when process completed. way memory consumption has reduced , process runs more time
your code looks sound. issue confirmation microsoft in reference: "the memory used ado queries cannot reclaimed closing , releasing ado objects. way release memory quit excel.
so must quit excel , reclaim resources.
"quit excel" means current workbook working must closed, or
"quit excel" means quit instances of excel excel effecively removed memory.
ad. 1: in case can create "parent workbook" starts workbook containing part of adodb processing. quits after partial processing , parent starts new, other, workbook continues processing, etcetera. use smart cut & paste tune when quit each workbook.
ad 2: in case use e.g. word start new instance of excel.application , proceed in same manner under 1. hope ms-office not integrated ado dll not quit when office program running...
of course, complaining microsoft confirmed bug in hand department have access ui installed might better.
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