Smooth scroll recyclerview android -

i have recyclerview contains ratingbar in list_items.xml

on completion of rating of 1 item in recyclerview scroll item of recyclerview automatically

the scrolling fast , user couldn't know scrolled.

i implemented smooth scroll , not working properly, first scroll of 2nd item smooth (1st displayed ), other items scroll fast

public class linearlayoutsmoothscroll extends linearlayoutmanager {         private static final float milliseconds_per_inch = 100f;         private context mcontext;          public linearlayoutsmoothscroll(context context) {                 super(context);                 mcontext=context;         }          public linearlayoutsmoothscroll(context context, int orientation, boolean reverselayout) {                 super(context, orientation, reverselayout);                 mcontext=context;         }          public linearlayoutsmoothscroll(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr, int defstyleres) {                 super(context, attrs, defstyleattr, defstyleres);                 mcontext=context;         }         @override         public void smoothscrolltoposition(recyclerview recyclerview,                                            recyclerview.state state, final int position) {                  linearsmoothscroller smoothscroller =                         new linearsmoothscroller(mcontext) {                                  //this controls direction in smoothscroll looks                                 //for view                                 @override                                 public pointf computescrollvectorforposition                                 (int targetposition) {                                         return linearlayoutsmoothscroll.this                                                 .computescrollvectorforposition(targetposition);                                 }                                  //this returns milliseconds takes                                 //scroll 1 pixel.                                 @override                                 protected float calculatespeedperpixel                                 (displaymetrics displaymetrics) {                                         return milliseconds_per_inch/displaymetrics.densitydpi;                                 }                         };                  smoothscroller.settargetposition(position);                 startsmoothscroll(smoothscroller);         } } 

usage :

layoutmanager.smoothscrolltoposition(rvsurvey,new recyclerview.state(),new_position); 


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