xml - Section name with multiple words in TNativeXML -

i'm trying make xml file using nativexml v4.09 , used structure :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <root>    <word1 word2>this value</word1 word2> </root> 

i write simple code :

procedure tform1.buttonwriteclick(sender: tobject); var aaa: tnativexml;     vsectionname : string; begin     vsectionname := 'word1 word2';//name of section 2 words sparated space     aaa:= tnativexml.create(self);     aaa.createname('root');     aaa.root.nodenew(vsectionname);      aaa.root.nodebyname('word1 word2').value:='this value';      aaa.xmlformat := xfreadable;      aaa.savetofile('test.xml'); end; 

and read node of section write code :

procedure tform1.buttonreadclick(sender: tobject); var aaa : tnativexml;     vsectionname : string;     vnode : txmlnode; begin     vsectionname := 'word1 word2';//name of section 2 words sparated space     try        aaa := tnativexml.create(self);        aaa.loadfromfile('test.xml');        vnode := aaa.root.nodebyname(vsectionname);        if vnode=nil           showmessage('section not found')        else           showmessage('section found');            freeandnil(aaa);     end; end; 

i can create xml file "test.xml" structure above want to. when want read node section 2 words name (like "word1 word2" name) got message "section not found" because vnode nil nodebyname function.

then tracking error add code in nativexml.txmlnode.nodebyname function this:

function txmlnode.nodebyname(const aname: utf8string): txmlnode; var i: integer;     vf : boolean; begin     result := nil;     := 0 getnodecount - 1 begin        vf := (utf8comparetext(getnodes(i).name, aname) = 0);        if vf           application.messagebox(pwidechar('txmlnode.nodebyname-> found aname='+aname+'|getnodes('+inttostr(i)+').name='+getnodes(i).name+'|getnodes('+inttostr(i)+').nameunicode='+getnodes(i).nameunicode),'txmlnode.nodebyname',0)        else           application.messagebox(pwidechar('txmlnode.nodebyname-> not found aname='+aname+'|getnodes('+inttostr(i)+').name='+getnodes(i).name+'|getnodes('+inttostr(i)+').nameunicode='+getnodes(i).nameunicode),'txmlnode.nodebyname',0);        //if (utf8comparetext(getnodes(i).name, aname) = 0)        if vf begin          result := getnodes(i);          exit;        end;     end; end; 

and messagebox :

messagebox display

i see section name change 2 words ("word1 word2" name) single word ("word1" name).

is bug in section name multiple words name space(s) or section's name must single word without space(s) ? if section's name must single word or more , without space(s), why can create xml section's name 2 or more words space(s) can not section node when read nodebyname ?

your document not valid xml. tag names must not contain space characters.

xml specification: xml start-tags, end-tags, , empty-element tags


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