uima ruta Score Condition -

i tried script mark journal using score condition.

   w{regexp("journal",true)->mark(only_journal)};    w{regexp("retraction|retracted")->mark(retract)};    w{regexp("suppl")->mark(supply)};     num {->mark(volumeissue,1,6)}lparen num  special?{regexp("-")} num? rparen;      reference{contains(only_journal)->markscore(10,journal_maybe)};    reference{contains(journalvolumemarker)->markscore(5,journal_maybe)};        reference{contains(volumeissue)->markscore(15,journal_maybe)};       reference{contains(journalname)->markscore(10,journal_maybe)};         reference{contains(retract)->markscore(10,journal_maybe)};        reference{contains(supply)->markscore(5,journal_maybe)};     journal_maybe{score(20,55)->mark(journal)}; 

sample text

1.lawrence ra. review of medical 342รข€“340 benefits , contraindications breastfeeding in united states [internet] . arlington (va): national center education in maternal , child health; 1997 oct [cited 2000 apr 24]. p. 40. available from: www.ncemch.org/pubs/pdfs/welcometojungle.pdf.

2.shishido a. retraction notice: effect of platinum compounds on murine lymphocyte mitogenesis [retraction of alsabti ea, ghalib on, salem mh. in: jpn j med biol 1979 apr; 32(2):53-65]. jpn j med sci biol 1980 aug;33(4):235-237.

3.leist tp, zinkernagel rm. effects of treatment il-2 receptor specific monoclonal antibody in mice [letter] [retraction of leist tp, kohler m, eppler m, zinkernagel rm. in: j immunol 1989 jul 15; 143(2): 628-32]. j immunol 1990 apr 1;144(7):2847.

4.chen, l., james, n., barker, c., busam, k., & marghoob, a. (2013). desmoplastic melanoma: review. journal of american academy of dermatology, 68(5), 825-833. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2012.10.041.

but above script not working.can find solution it. in advance.

this should work jsut fine, depends of course on amount of annotations of types existence of only_journal, journalvolumemarker, , on ...

here's test script simple ruta project:

engine utils.plaintextannotator; typesystem utils.plaintexttypesystem;  document{->exec(plaintextannotator, {paragraph})};  declare reference, only_journal, journal_maybe, journalvolumemarker, volumeissue, journalname, retract, supply; declare journal;  paragraph{-> reference}; "jpn j med biol" -> journalname; "32\\(2\\)" -> volumeissue;  reference{contains(only_journal)->markscore(10,journal_maybe)}; reference{contains(journalvolumemarker)->markscore(5,journal_maybe)};     reference{contains(volumeissue)->markscore(15,journal_maybe)};    reference{contains(journalname)->markscore(10,journal_maybe)};      reference{contains(retract)->markscore(10,journal_maybe)};     reference{contains(supply)->markscore(5,journal_maybe)};  journal_maybe{score(20,55)->mark(journal)}; 

... applied sample text, second reference annotated journal.

disclaimer: develoepr of uima ruta.


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