java - Unable to return the read the values present in an excel file -

i want return values present in excel file returning values [[ljava.lang.string;@490ab905. data not returning values user name. used jxl , data provider. not aware of data provider much. please me fetch accurate values excel.

following code:

public class excelutil {      // public string suitefilename = "/suite.xls";     string testdatafile = "/src/testdata/testdata.xls";     // public string testdatafile = "/testdata/testdata.xls";      @dataprovider     public object[][] gettestdata(string sheetname)     {        //string gettestdata(string sheetname, int rownumber, int colnum) {         // read excel          string path = system.getproperty("user.dir") + testdatafile;          workbook w = null;         file inputworkbook = new file(path);         // open workbook         try {             w = workbook.getworkbook(inputworkbook);         } catch (biffexception | ioexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e.printstacktrace();         }         // first sheet         sheet sheet = w.getsheet(sheetname);         //loop on first 10 column , lines         // first sheet                  //loop on first 10 column , lines                 int rowcount =  sheet.getrows();                 int coulumncount = sheet.getcolumns();                  object[][] data = new string[rowcount-1][coulumncount];                  for(int i=1;i<rowcount;i++)                 {                     cell cell = sheet.getcell(0, i);                     string value = cell.getcontents().tostring();                     system.out.println(value);                     data[i-1][0]= value.tostring();                 system.out.println(data[i-1][0]);                     cell = sheet.getcell(1, i);                     value = cell.getcontents().tostring();                      data[i-1][1]= value.tostring();                  }                 w.close();                 //system.out.println(value);                 system.out.println(data);                 return data;             }     public static webdriver driver ;     @test(dataprovider = "gettestdata")     public void orpaklogintest(object username, object password) {          driver = new firefoxdriver();         driver.get("");         driver.manage().window().maximize();         driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(20, timeunit.seconds);          loginelements lg = new loginelements();           webelement element_username = lg.getorpakusernamefield(driver);           element_username.sendkeys(username.tostring());         webelement element_password = lg.getorpakpasswordfield(driver);          element_password.sendkeys(password.tostring());         //webelement element_loginbtn = lg.getorpakloginbutton(driver);         //;      } 

use poi jars

below code working me:-

public string getxlcellvalue(string xlpath, string sheetname, int rownum, int cellnum)     {         try{         fileinputstream fis=new fileinputstream(xlpath);          workbook wb=workbookfactory.create(fis);"get value cell(getxlcellvalue)");          return wb.getsheet(sheetname).getrow(rownum).getcell(cellnum).getstringcellvalue();      }     catch(exception ex)     {"error in getxlcellvalue ="+ ex.getmessage());     }     return ""; } 

xlpath = path of excel file in system

sheetname = name of sheet in excel file

row = row number of username or password

cellnum = cell number of username or password


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