php - Wordpress: how to add custom post category to the permalink -

i'm using cherry framework. , theme includes custom post type: portfolios , i've created 2 categories under post type: readers stories(slug: readers-stories) , readers tips(slug: readers-tips).

when create post under portfolios , assign them 1 of category(ex: readers stories) permalink post this:

but want url be:

how can achieve this?

i tried use custom post type permalinks plugin. did not desired result.

here register_post_type function portfolios post type:

register_post_type( 'portfolio',             array(              'label' => theme_locals("portfolio"),             'singular_label' => theme_locals("portfolio"),             '_builtin' => false,             'public' => true,              'show_ui' => true,             'show_in_nav_menus' => true,             'hierarchical' => true,             'capability_type' => 'page',             'has_archive' => true,             'menu_icon' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/images/icon_portfolio.png',             'rewrite' => array(                 'slug' => 'portfolio',                 'with_front' => false,             ),             'supports' => array(                     'title',                     'editor',                     'thumbnail',                     'excerpt',                     'custom-fields',                     'comments')                 )              ); register_taxonomy('portfolio_category', 'portfolio', array('hierarchical' => true, 'label' => theme_locals("categories"), 'singular_name' => theme_locals("category"), "rewrite" => true, "query_var" => true)); register_taxonomy('portfolio_tag', 'portfolio', array('hierarchical' => false, 'label' => theme_locals("tags"), 'singular_name' => theme_locals("tag"), 'rewrite' => true, 'query_var' => true)); 


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