javascript - Which highstock options can I use to remove inbetween xAxis -

i'm implementing highstock line graph in app , facing difficulty fix xaxis.

eventhough data daily, there "hour" @ 12:00 between nodes.

enter image description here

which option can use remove inbetween "12:00" xaxis? have tried several options doc results same.

my series data :

    [       {         "name": "check",         "data": [           [             1460505600000,             778475           ],           [             1460592000000,             778031           ],           [             1460678400000,             802150           ],           [             1460764800000,             700420           ],           [             1460851200000,             641872           ],           [             1460937600000,             778706           ],           [             1461024000000,             227841           ]         ]       },       {         "name": "okay",         "data": [           [             1460505600000,             440160           ],           [             1460592000000,             419736           ],           [             1460678400000,             406018           ],           [             1460764800000,             394896           ],           [             1460851200000,             407884           ],           [             1460937600000,             422041           ],           [             1461024000000,             146392           ]         ]       }     ] 

really appreciate help. thank you!

you should set tickinterval 24 * 3600 * 1000 (one day in milisecods).

xaxis: {    tickinterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000 } 


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