AngularJS + Jersey POST Bad Request -

i have following api in jersey file upload :

@path("/image/upload")     @post     @consumes(mediatype.multipart_form_data)     @produces("application/json")     public response imageupload(             @queryparam("filename") string filename,             @formdataparam("file") inputstream fileinputstring,              @context containerrequestcontext crc)             throws connectexception, sqlexception, invalidcredentialsexception, ioexception, generalexception { } 

and using angular js uploading file :

_myapp.service('fileupload', ['$rootscope', '$http', function($rootscope, $http) {     this.uploadfiletourl = function(file, uploadurl) {          var fd = new formdata();          fd.append('file', file);             $, fd, {                 transformrequest: angular.identity,                 headers: {                     'content-type': 'multipart/form-data',                     'authorization': 'bearer ' + $rootscope.token                 },                  params:{                          'filename'                 }             })             .success(function() {              })             .error(function() {              });     } }]);    _myapp.controller('uploadimagecontroller', ['$rootscope', '$scope', '$http', 'fileupload', function($rootscope, $scope, $http, fileupload) {                  $ = true;                  $scope.upload = function() {                //$scope.fileobject file trying upload                         console.log($scope.fileobject);                         var file = $scope.fileobject;                            var uploadurl = "http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/imageapis/image/upload";                          fileupload.uploadfiletourl(file, uploadurl);                  } 

i getting following error :

400 bad request : request sent client syntactically incorrect.
posting request in wrong angular standard? can see payload being sent, mismatch between jersey , angular request sent?

have refereed following file upload code -


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