java - error: package org.junit does not exist -

i keep getting these errors when trying run ant file.

   [javac] compiling 8 source files c:\users\faradayscage\git\mancala\build    [javac] c:\users\faradayscage\git\mancala\src\tests\ error: package org.junit not exist    [javac] import static org.junit.assert.assertequals;    [javac]                        ^    [javac] c:\users\faradayscage\git\mancala\src\tests\ error: static import classes , interfaces    [javac] import static org.junit.assert.assertequals;    [javac] ^    [javac] c:\users\faradayscage\git\mancala\src\tests\ error: package org.junit not exist    [javac] import org.junit.test;    [javac]                 ^    [javac] c:\users\faradayscage\git\mancala\src\tests\ error: cannot find symbol    [javac]     @test 

this ant build file

<project name="mancala" default="fullbuild" basedir=".">     <description>     build file mancala program. handles compilation     , distribution. include automated testing ,     generation of documentation.   </description>     <!-- set global properties build -->     <property name="src" location="src" />     <property name="build" location="build" />     <property name="build.test" location="build/tests" />     <property name="dist" location="dist" />     <property name="test" location="src/tests" />     <property name="docs" location="docs" />     <property name="" location="testreport" />      <!-- define classpath includes junit.jar-->     <!-- , classes after compiling-->     <path id="junit.class.path">         <pathelement location="lib/junit-4.11.jar" />         <pathelement location="lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar" />         <pathelement location="${build}" />     </path>      <target name="init">         <!-- create time stamp -->         <tstamp />         <!-- create build directory structure used compile -->         <mkdir dir="${build}" />         <!-- create testreport directory used junit -->         <mkdir dir="${}" />         <!-- create build.test directory used compile & junit -->         <mkdir dir="${build.test}" />     </target>      <target name="compile" depends="init" description="compile source">         <!-- compile java code ${src} ${build} -->         <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" />         <javac srcdir="${test}" destdir="${build.test}" />     </target>      <!-- run junit tests -->     <!-- output xml, plain-->     <target name="junit" depends="compile">         <junit printsummary="on" fork="true" haltonfailure="yes">             <classpath>                 <classpath refid="junit.class.path" />                 <pathelement location="${build.test}" />                 <formatter type="plain" />                 <batchtest todir="${}">                     <fileset dir="${test}">                         <include name="**/*test*.java" />                     </fileset>                 </batchtest>             </classpath>         </junit>     </target>      <target name="doc" description="generate documentation">         <mkdir dir="${docs}" />         <javadoc sourcepath="${src}" destdir="${docs}">             <fileset dir="${src}" />         </javadoc>     </target>      <target name="dist" depends="compile" description="generate distribution">         <!-- create distribution directory -->         <mkdir dir="${dist}/lib" />          <!-- put in ${build} mancala-${dstamp}.jar file -->         <jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/mancala-${dstamp}.jar" basedir="${build}" />     </target>      <!-- runs compiled application -->     <target name="run" depends="compile">         <java classname="mancalaapp">             <classpath>                 <pathelement location="${build}" />             </classpath>         </java>     </target>      <!--add unit tests build once implemented-->     <target name="fullbuild" depends="dist, doc, junit" description="create application, docs, , tests">     </target>      <target name="clean" description="clean up">         <!-- delete ${build} , ${dist} directory trees -->         <delete dir="${build}" />         <delete dir="${dist}" />         <delete dir="${docs}" />         <delete dir="${build.test}" />         <delete dir="${}" />     </target> </project> 

i know somehow not including junit.jar build, should being included because of in path id, , @ wits end wrong.

thank in advance

the <javac> task creates tests needs classpath:

<javac srcdir="${test}" destdir="${build.test}" classpathref="junit.class.path" /> 

by way, following doesn't right:

<junit printsummary="on" fork="true" haltonfailure="yes">     <classpath>         <classpath refid="junit.class.path" />         <pathelement location="${build.test}" />         <formatter type="plain" />         <batchtest todir="${}">             <fileset dir="${test}">                 <include name="**/*test*.java" />             </fileset>         </batchtest>     </classpath> </junit> 

the <formatter> , <batchtest> elements shouldn't nested under <classpath>. should directly under <junit>. should more like:

<junit printsummary="on" fork="true" haltonfailure="yes">     <classpath>         <classpath refid="junit.class.path" />         <pathelement location="${build.test}" />     </classpath>     <formatter type="plain" />     <batchtest todir="${}">         <fileset dir="${test}">             <include name="**/*test*.java" />         </fileset>     </batchtest> </junit> 


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