c# - Bold a part of string in generated barcode -

i generating barcode image. barcode consists of few different values, such amount, length, width , m2. these numbers displaying below barcode summary of user entries. there way either bold or underline m2 (square meters) in summary under barcode? please see below sample of needed:

sample outcome

here's code use generate barcode:

private void generate_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {              string barcode = summary.text;             bitmap bitmap = new bitmap(barcode.length * 40, 150);             using (graphics graphics = graphics.fromimage(bitmap))             {             font ofont = new system.drawing.font("idautomationhc39m", 20);             pointf point = new pointf (2f, 2f);                 solidbrush black = new solidbrush(color.black);                 solidbrush white = new solidbrush(color.white);                 graphics.fillrectangle(white, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height);                 graphics.drawstring("*" + barcode + "*", ofont, black, point);             }             using (memorystream ms = new memorystream())             {                 bitmap.save(ms, imageformat.png);                 box4.image = bitmap;                 box4.height = bitmap.height;                 box4.width = bitmap.width;             }         } 

enter image description here

you can use constructor of font accepts font style (docs)

new system.drawing.font("idautomationhc39m", 20, fontstyle.bold); 

the problem comes in determining part of text should bold means have split text @ point, , ascertain offset of bold text

since font you're using (idautomationhc39m), renders bar code also, won't work unless find different font allow render bars separately text. leaves few options.

  1. separate fonts
  2. don't make text want bold
  3. make stand out in different way, colour text in different colour make stand out / draw line under / etc
