c# - Using BrokeredMessage with ServiceBus Queue Trigger in Azure Function -
i've created azure function triggered time new message added azure servicebus queue. code works fine: #r "newtonsoft.json" #load "..\shared\person.csx" using newtonsoft.json; using newtonsoft.json.serialization; public static void run(string message, tracewriter log) { var person = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<person>(message, new jsonserializersettings() {contractresolver = new camelcasepropertynamescontractresolver()}); log.verbose($"from deserializeobject: {person.firstname} {person.lastname}"); } i've seen can bind message poco that: public static void run(person message, tracewriter log) { log.verbose($"from deserializeobject: {message.firstname} {message.lastname}"); } now bind message brokeredmessage because need have access properties of message. edit new sdk supports servicebus sdk using #r directive #r "microsoft.servicebus" using microsoft.servicebus.messagin...