javascript - Moongose .geoNear aggregation, add basic query options -

i using mongoose library node.js, , geonear aggregation function.

here piece of code, works charm :

user.geonear({ type: "point", coordinates: [geo.lon,] }, {     spherical: true,     maxdistance: 50,   }, function(err, results, stats) {     if (err) {       // handle err     } } 

now add basic query options, such excluding documents mongodb $nin option. example, search users around given position (as did in example) constraint of not matching given ids. how possible add kind of options query ?

you can with aggregation framework. try:

db.collection.aggregate( [     {         '$geonear': {             'near': {                 'type': 'point',                 'coordinates': [ -77.395410 , 38.967995 ]             },             'spherical': true,              'distancefield': 'dist',             'maxdistance': 5000                  }     },     {       $match:{_id:{$nin: [objectid("5716163704ca42c7b579c7e3")]}}     } ]); 

query above search documents in 5000 meters radius , exclude document given _id.


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