unity3d - Stack overflow with C# and Mono, recursive function -
i'm using unity3d based on mono framework , c#. function below throw stack overflows. cannot figure out these come from; nowadays tends happen infinite loops, mine isn't. works fine 8x8x16 voxels, crashes @ 16x16x32 voxels. put lock in because figure might happen function fired second time before first finished.
int floatingvoxelsflood(int x, int y, int z, ref bool[] voxelsattached) { if (getpixel(x, y, z).a > 0.5f) return 0; int id = getpixelid(x, y, z); if (voxelsattached[id]) return 0; voxelsattached[id] = true; int count = 1; int minx = x-1; int maxx = x+1; if (minx >= 0) count += floatingvoxelsflood(minx, y, z, ref voxelsattached); if (maxx < volumewidth) count += floatingvoxelsflood(maxx, y, z, ref voxelsattached); int miny = y-1; int maxy = y+1; if (miny >= 0) count += floatingvoxelsflood(x, miny, z, ref voxelsattached); if (maxy < volumeheight) count += floatingvoxelsflood(x, maxy, z, ref voxelsattached); int minz = z-1; int maxz = z+1; if (minz >= 0) count += floatingvoxelsflood(x, y, minz, ref voxelsattached); if (maxz < volumedepth) count += floatingvoxelsflood(x, y, maxz, ref voxelsattached); return count; }
voxelsattached set false @ start. getpixel().a returns if voxel needs used.
how can solve stack overflow?
the 1 below not overflow stack.
int floatingvoxelsflood(int x, int y, int z, ref bool[] voxelsattached) { if (getpixel(x, y, z).a > 0.5f) return 0; queue<pixel> queue = new queue<pixel>(); queue.enqueue(new pixel(x, y, z)); int count = 0; while(queue.count > 0) { pixel p = queue.dequeue(); int id = getpixelid(p.x, p.y, p.z); if (!voxelsattached[id] && getpixel(p.x, p.y, p.z).a < 0.5f) { count++; voxelsattached[id] = true; int minx = p.x-1; int maxx = p.x+1; if (minx >= 0) queue.enqueue(new pixel(minx, p.y, p.z)); if (maxx < volumewidth) queue.enqueue(new pixel(maxx, p.y, p.z)); int miny = p.y-1; int maxy = p.y+1; if (miny >= 0) queue.enqueue(new pixel(p.x, miny, p.z)); if (maxy < volumeheight) queue.enqueue(new pixel(p.x, maxy, p.z)); int minz = p.z-1; int maxz = p.z+1; if (minz >= 0) queue.enqueue(new pixel(p.x, p.y, minz)); if (maxz < volumedepth) queue.enqueue(new pixel(p.x, p.y, maxz)); } } return count; }
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