javascript - CreateJS - Type not recognized error thrown during sound registration -

i trying load sounds through soundjs sound registration, , getting following error:

createjs.js:15 uncaught error: type not recognized. 

i figure soundjs library having issues either locating files or having trouble file extensions, using .ogg, inline examples i've seen.

here code:

createjs.sound.alternateextensions = ["mp3", "ogg"];  createjs.sound.on("fileload", function(event) {     console.log(event); }, this);  (var = 0; < soundmanifest.length; i++) {     soundmanifest[i].loaded = false;     console.log("loading " + soundmanifest[i].src);     createjs.sound.registersound(soundmanifest[i].src, soundmanifest[i].id) } 

soundmanifest array of objects source item giving path .ogg files, , id. i've double , triple checked path names, pretty sure that's not it. ideas? developing on chrome.

thanks posting github link. helpful. fortunately, have super simple answer you.

rename "object" class made in main.js, , should go.

-- long answer --

i tossed breakpoint error thrown, , showed when soundjs tries create loaditem, fails. because should treating loaditem receives object, line below failing:

} else if (value instanceof object && value.src) {     // code should executed } 

at first thought there bug in soundjs had somehow missed in last 2 years, closer inspection showed object prototypes in application messed up. if open any browser window, , hit console, return true:

({}) instanceof object // true 

however while running app, returns false.

the issue became clear when removed other classes other createjs , main, , tried this:

new object(); // throws error includes info "victor" 

in main.js, defining "object" class, extends createjs shape. global because there no method closure around code, overwrites global object class/prototype.

the reason included explanation, because couldn't figure out going on until had steps show prototypes broken in app written out before reason dawned on me. thought might of interest :)


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